A blog from a scientist and former Debian developer (and occasional book writer)... Tricks for data handling, programming, debian administration and development, command-line and many other joyful things in the same spirit. Oh, and sometimes completely unrelated things !
Sunday, September 30, 2007
freecol is dreadful !
dpatch and svn-buildpackage
dpatch-edit-patch 56-new-patchFor those like me who like automatic completion, here is a snippet of my .zshrc to enable automatic completion for dpatch:
dpatch-comp() { f=(debian/patches/*); f=(${f%.dpatch}); f=(${f#debian/patches/}); f=(${f#00list}); if [[ -n $f ]]; then _values 'patches' $f; fi; } compdef dpatch-comp dpatch-edit-patch svn-edit-patch bzr-edit-patch;However, the problem with dpatch is that is doesn't play really well with tools like svn-buildpackage, in the case where only the debian diff is handled by the SCM. The following snippets of my .zshrc permits the use of dpatch even in these cases:
svn-edit-patch () { patch="$1" shift; target=`pwd`; svn-buildpackage \ --svn-ignore-new --svn-builder="dpatch-edit-patch $patch $@" \ --svn-postbuild="cp debian/patches/$patch* $target/debian/patches" } bzr-edit-patch () { patch="$1" target=`pwd`; bzr builddeb -w \ --builder="dpatch-edit-patch $patch && cp debian/patches/$patch* $target/debian/patches" }Just run svn-edit-patch as you would run dpatch-edit-patch. In the hope that someone will find that useful...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Debaday needs entries
- It is rather quick - you don't have to write 200 lines. Just write about the way you use it !
- With the statistics page, you'll be able to get an opinion of the impact of your post.
- If you advocate the software well enough, it will gain users, which often implies a gain in quality in the Free Software world (more users means more bug reports, more patches, and possibly more contributors).
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
freecol, a great game

He said that this library was producing great plots (he saw directly plots made by its creator, Bill Paxton). When I saw this video, I was sincerely convinced !
So then, as the library was only for the Ruby programming language, I started immediately to learn Ruby, using the Pragmatic Programmer's Programming Ruby. I found it an extremely enjoyable experience. Within an hour, I had made my first Ruby script using Tioga. Before the end of the day, I was sending my first bug report to Bill. The following day, I had already started to work on a (very poor at that time) first version of ctioga...
I've gone on working with Ruby ever since... I wrote no less than 9000 lines of code only in the SciYAG project on Rubyforge, not mentioning other projects using Ruby and the countless scripts I have written for my everyday science... Ruby is extremely comfortable to program with. A pure delight !
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
qtodo, a neat TODO-list manager

- the format is a slightly improved plain text, which makes it suitable for reading without qtodo
- fairly easy to use
- can manage several TODO-lists at the same time